EGENS One Step Test Device Diagnostic Kit for Amphetamine (Cassette/Strip)

Diagnostic Kit for Amphetamine Rapid Screen Test is a lateral flow, one-step immunoassay for qualitative detection of amphetamine and their metabolites in human urine at a cut-off of 1,000 ng/ml. This product is used to obtain a visual, qualitative result and is intended for professional use. The assay should not be used without proper supervision and is not intended for over-the-counter sale to laypersons.


Sample : Urine
Storage : 2- 30°C
Validity : 24 Months
Packaging : Cassette, 25 Test/Box
Strip, 50 Test/Box
Sensitivity : Positive Result : 1.500 ng/ml
Negative Result : 500 ng/ml

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